High-Risk Pregnancy

A Caesarean Delivery is a surgical procedure where a baby is born through an incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus.

Pre-Pregnancy Factors

1. Age : Women under 17 or over 35 years old

2. Pre-existing medical conditions : Diabetes, hypertension, thyroid disorders, or other chronic conditions

3. Previous pregnancy complications : History of miscarriage, stillbirth, or preterm labor

Pregnancy-Related Factors

1. Multiple pregnancy : Carrying twins, triplets, or other multiples

2. Placenta previa : The placenta covers the cervix

3. Preeclampsia : High blood pressure and damage to organs such as the kidneys and liver

4. Gestational diabetes : Diabetes that develops during pregnancy

5. Fetal growth restriction : The baby is not growing at a normal rate

Other Factors

1. Lifestyle factors : Smoking, substance abuse, or poor nutrition

2. Environmental factors : Exposure to toxins or pollutants

3. Genetic factors : Family history of genetic disorders or birth defects

Complications and Risks

1. Preterm labor : Labor that begins before 37 weeks of gestation

2. Low birth weight : The baby is born weighing less than 5.5 pounds

3. Birth defects : Congenital abnormalities or genetic disorders

4. Maternal mortality : Death of the mother during pregnancy or childbirth

Management and Care

1. Regular prenatal care : Frequent check-ups with a healthcare provider

2. Specialized care : Care from a maternal-fetal medicine specialist or a perinatologist

3. Monitoring and testing : Regular monitoring and testing to track the pregnancy and detect potential complications

4. Lifestyle modifications : Changes to diet, exercise, and other lifestyle habits to reduce risks and promote a healthy pregnancy

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