Birth Control & Family Planning

Birth control, also known as contraception, refers to methods or devices used to prevent pregnancy. Here are some common birth control measures:

Hormonal Methods

1. Oral Contraceptives (The Pill) : Hormonal pills taken daily to prevent ovulation.

2. Contraceptive Patch : A patch worn on the skin to release hormones and prevent ovulation.

3. Vaginal Ring : A flexible ring inserted into the vagina to release hormones and prevent ovulation.

4. Injectable Contraceptives : Hormonal injections given every 3 months to prevent ovulation.

5. Implantable Contraceptives : Small rods implanted under the skin to release hormones and prevent ovulation.

Barrier Methods

1. Male Condoms : Worn on the penis to prevent sperm from entering the vagina.

2. Female Condoms : Inserted into the vagina to prevent sperm from entering.

3. Diaphragm : A dome-shaped device inserted into the vagina to cover the cervix.

4. Cervical Cap : A small device inserted into the vagina to cover the cervix.

Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)

1. Copper IUD : A copper device inserted into the uterus to prevent fertilization.

2. Hormonal IUD : A device inserted into the uterus to release hormones and prevent ovulation.

Natural Family Planning (NFP) Methods

1. Basal Body Temperature Method : Tracking body temperature to determine fertile days.

2. Ovulation Method : Tracking cervical mucus and ovulation to determine fertile days.

3. Symptothermal Method : Combining basal body temperature, ovulation, and cervical mucus tracking to determine fertile days.

Sterilization Methods

1. Tubal Ligation : A surgical procedure to block the fallopian tubes and prevent fertilization.

2. Vasectomy : A surgical procedure to block the vas deferens and prevent sperm from entering the semen.

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